*JR's is on SDC

 *Click on the link below & join us 


*Interested in traveling to exotic, clothing optional, lifestyle friendly destinations.

*Click on the link below for more information

*Great podcast full of sexy fun that's lifestyle friendly and informative. 

*Click on the link below

*JR's is on SLS including our events

on the Hot Dates calendar

*Click on the link below& join us

*Listen to our good friends on SoundCloud

*Click on the link below and search for

 "Midwest Menage a Trois" 

*This is a frank and explicit discussion of sex in the Midwest 



*Meet and Greets in 2024 once a

month at a local bar and

some Saturday nights


​Wednesday, December 18, 2024

*New Year's Event

Total Hotel Takeover

12/30 & 12/31

​​ *Group trip to Lifestyle friendly Resort in Mexico in October each year